A Day in the Life of Amanda Stone

PM Environmental’s Regional Manager of Due Diligence sits down with us to provide a glimpse into her work life, as well as share what leadership means to her. 


Q: Name, Title, Location

Amanda Stone, Regional Due Diligence Manager in Birmingham, Alabama


Q: Tell us a little about your role and what you do.

I serve a few roles at PM. As the regional due diligence manager, I manage the workflow of the due diligence projects in the Midsouth region. As this is a large territory, this requires coordination between our due diligence staff, staff from other service lines in the various Midsouth offices, and subcontractors. I also perform Phase I ESAs on more complicated sites in my region.

In addition to due diligence, I am also trained in various Industrial Hygiene services. I perform and oversee asbestos surveys and abatement projects, perform indoor air quality studies, and review subcontractor asbestos reports for the remainder of the Midsouth.


Q: What’s on your to-do list?

Peer review staff reports, finish senior review edits on my own reports, review month end accounting documents for projects and schedule a few site visits.


Q: What is your favorite thing about your career?

I enjoy how every day is something different. There is a new site with new challenges in almost every email I receive.


Q: What’s one word you would use to describe PM and why?

Evolving – We have undergone some changes recently and I appreciate that we adapt to situations as they arise (such as the pandemic) but also look for ways to move forward and meet the needs of our employees.


Q: Tell us about your office.

Well, I mostly work from home, so I consider that my office at the moment.  My “office” has everything I need including skylights and large windows to view the outdoors, two silly co-workers (my dog Charlie and our foster dog Ellie), and coffee available all day approximately 20 feet from my desk.


Q: What motivates you to work hard?

100% my family. I want my two girls to see what you can achieve when you work hard and put forth the effort.


Q: What does leadership mean to you?

To me, leadership is when you show up for those that need you. Whether you are helping someone that has encountered something they do not know how to deal with, or you are simply listening to an employee or teammate that is having a hard time and needs to vent in order to move forward. Showing up in those moments can change things for them and help them make progress in life or work, which I think is an important skill in a leader.


Publication Details

August 30, 2022


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