Revised Requirements: Federal Underground Storage Tank Systems

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently updated their 2015 federal Underground Storage Tank (UST) regulations.  The new set of requirements, which went into effect on October 13, 2018, were enacted to ensure that USTs are constructed, maintained, and operated in such a manner that petroleum and other regulated substances are stored safely.

According to the EPA, there are approximately 553,000 USTs nationwide that store petroleum or other hazardous substances.  When the first set of revisions were enacted in 2015, emphasis was placed on properly operating and maintaining UST equipment, as well as preventing and detecting UST releases.  The new 2018 revisions add periodic operation and maintenance requirements to those existing rules and include walk-through inspections and sump testing.

Check out the guide below to see what has changed and to ensure you are in compliance:

Federal UST Updated Requirements

If you’d like to discuss these changes further, then reach out to one of our qualified consultants today.



*Environmental Protection Agency

Publication Details

October 18, 2018


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