Lansing Environmental Consultants

Environmental Consulting Services in Lansing, Michigan.

Address: 3340 Ranger Road
Lansing, MI 48906

Phone: 517-321-3331

At PM Environmental, we combine decades of expertise with a dedication to providing top-tier environmental consulting services in the Lansing area. Our team of seasoned professionals is committed to helping you achieve your business goals while navigating the complexities of environmental regulations and impacts on both natural and built environments.

Environmental Engineering Services

PM Environmental is a leading provider of environmental risk consulting and due diligence services. With over 30 years of experience, we deliver practical business solutions and stay updated on relevant regulations impacting due diligence processes. Our commitment is to provide clear, commonsense solutions to complex environmental challenges.

Our Key Services Include:

  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
  • Environmental Transaction Screens
  • Limited Due Diligence Reports
  • Due Care & Continuing Obligations
  • Environmental Due Diligence for SBA Loans
  • Bank Environmental Risk Policy Development
  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
  • Baseline Environmental Assessments
  • Environmental Compliance Audits
  • Phase III Environmental Site Assessment
  • Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Testing
  • Expert Witness Litigation Services

Industrial Hygiene Consultants

Our certified industrial hygiene consultants offer a wide range of services, including asbestos, lead paint, and hazardous materials assessment and management. We prepare bid specifications, removal scopes of work, and remediation plans while ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations.

Industrial Hygiene Services:

  • Industrial Hygiene Services
  • Asbestos Services
  • Lead Paint Services
  • Radon Testing
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Building Decommissioning Services

Remediation & Construction Support

Our licensed professionals provide extensive remediation and construction support, managing project issues and contamination cleanup to meet regulatory standards. With in-house equipment and a flexible schedule, we ensure timely and budget-conscious project execution.

Our Remediation Services Include:

  • Contaminated Site Remediation
  • Environmental Contracting
  • Underground Storage Tank Management
  • Field Services and Drilling
  • GPR & Private Utility Location
  • Erosion Control Assessment
  • Demolition Consulting & Oversight
  • PFAS Investigation, Treatment, and Consulting Services

Economic Development Consulting

We help revitalize contaminated and obsolete properties through comprehensive economic development consulting. Our team assists with brownfield redevelopment, EPA grant applications, and financial incentives, transforming underutilized properties into thriving community assets.

  • Financial Incentives for Brownfields
  • Grant Procurement & Management

Contact PM Environmental's Lansing office today to learn more about how we can support your environmental consulting needs.

Industries We Serve

Developers and Real Estate Investors

  • We support developers and real estate investors with comprehensive environmental assessments and risk management services, ensuring compliance and mitigating potential environmental liabilities.

Facility Management

  • Our services include environmental compliance audits, industrial hygiene assessments, and remediation planning, helping facility managers maintain safe and compliant operations.

Financial and Banking

  • We offer environmental due diligence for SBA loans, policy development, and risk management solutions tailored to financial institutions, safeguarding your investments.

Government and Municipalities

  • We partner with local and regional governments to provide environmental consulting, compliance audits, and remediation services, supporting public health and safety initiatives.

Industrial Manufacturing

  • Our experts assist manufacturers with environmental compliance, hazardous materials management, and remediation projects, ensuring adherence to industry regulations.


  • We provide expert witness litigation services, environmental risk assessments, and due diligence reports to support legal professionals in environmental cases.


  • Our team specializes in underground storage tank management, spill response, and site remediation for the petroleum industry.

Transportation and Logistics

  • We offer environmental risk assessments, compliance audits, and remediation services tailored to the transportation and logistics sector.

Ready to start your project?

Our team of engineers and consultants helps you manage your project with confidence. Find out how we can help you with your project.