PM Environmental Client Awarded $300,000 Community-wide Assessment Grant
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced its FY 2018 Brownfields Assessment and Cleanup grantees. Of the 144 cities and municipalities to be selected, PM Environmental client Sheffield, Alabama, was awarded a $300,000 Community-wide Assessment Grant.
Assessment grants provide funding for brownfield planning, environmental assessments, inventories, and community outreach.
This is the second EPA Assessment grant awarded to the city of Sheffield, Alabama in the last five years, the first, awarded for $400,000 in 2013, joins a $200,000 EPA Cleanup grant that was awarded to the Sheffield Redevelopment Authority during the FY 2017 round. PM Environmental assisted with the preparation and submittal of all three successful brownfield plans.
“The city took an active role in assisting with preparation of the application and had several ‘cheerleaders’ to bring it to fruition.” said Jessica DeBone, Brownfields Consultant and primary author of the grant application. “This really is a major reason why the city’s brownfield program has been so successful.”
Building on the success of the prior assessment and cleanup grants, Sheffield, a city where nearly one-quarter of the population of 9,000 lives at or below the poverty level, will use the new community-wide assessment funds to focus on vacant brownfield sites that are near or adjoining low-income and affordable housing communities.
Completion of environmental assessments at these sites will have a positive impact on the welfare, environment and health of the community as well as generate economic benefits, and improve the overall residents’ morale and quality of life.
“Winning multiple grants is a credit to the city’s brownfield team.” John Hargraves, Regional Manager said. “The EPA has confidence that the funds will be used efficiently and successfully.”
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