PM Environmental’s New Detroit Office Marks Significant Milestone
As a company that works extensively with Brownfield redevelopments, PM Environmental’s new office in Detroit marks a significant milestone. It will be the third of its four offices located in Michigan that has been a Brownfield project. It will also be the company’s 22nd office nationwide.
The new office, which is located in the iconic Shelby Congress Building in downtown Detroit, will house 12 employees and opened today.
“We’re moving our industrial hygiene group as well as some of our due diligence group into the building,” said Michael Kulka, founder and CEO of PM Environmental.
Not only a new tenant, PM was part of the project that transformed the outdated nine-story, 50,000-square-foot Shelby Building into modern office space and retail center. PM secured a 10-year tax incentive for commercial rehabilitation as well as performed all the environmental due diligence services.
PM Environmental has helped hundreds of clients revitalize and redevelop old industrial properties using Brownfield and Economic Incentives.
“We thrive on transforming brownfield sites into innovative adaptive reuse developments,” said Kulka. “The process of turning blighted buildings into vibrant structures that, in turn, can help revitalize communities and improve the overall quality of life is incredibly rewarding. I love to show and tell my boys the projects we have worked on during weekend visits to attractions around town. “
Kulka isn’t just paying lip service to the benefit of Brownfields, nearly all of the company’s Michigan offices are Brownfields.
PM’s headquarters in Lansing, Michigan, was formerly a mixed use office space and gas station. The company completed the Brownfield redevelopment in 1994, long before the terminology became prevalent.
In 2008, PM purchased a vacant former tool and die shop in Berkley, Mich. that was built in 1946 and vacant for years. PM made use of economic incentives and brownfield redevelopment programs to renovate and restore the building and it now holds over 35 employees.
With the increasing momentum in Detroit’s redevelopment, PM’s new office will put the company even closer to its clients and their projects.
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May 31, 2017