EPA Brownfield Grant Management City of Chattanooga, Tennessee
The City of Chattanooga, Tennessee was awarded EPA Assessment Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) and Cleanup grants. PM Environmental, Inc. (PM) responded to a Request for Qualifications from the City of Chattanooga and made the shortlist of 10 firms to interview. After the interview process, PM was selected as a consultants to contract for the grant activities. The City of Chattanooga has previously conducted inventory and community meeting activities, so the consultants were contracted to perform the Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) phases of the program.
The first phase involved completion of Phase I ESAs.
Upon the completion of the Phase I ESAs, the City of Chattanooga, awarded Phase II ESAs including a former foundry and heavy industrial property currently used as an outdoor pavilion.
Other tasks included completion of Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) documents, Work Plans, Health and Safety Plans, and Phase II ESAs on the impound lot and the outdoor pavilion.
Other services provided to the City include:
- Site information management in ACRES database
- Advisor and consultant in public participation meetings
- Technical consultant to the city
- Site specific risk assessments
- Integrated redevelopment and cleanup plans