Pine Village, Madison Heights, Michigan
In Madison Heights, Michigan, a redevelopment is underway to transform functionally obsolete structures into senior housing. The project includes the demolition of three existing residential dwellings, associated garages, and an outbuilding, to construct a new three-story residential apartment building for senior citizens containing approximately 146,734 square feet and 133-units.
PM was engaged by the developer to provide environmental due diligence, industrial hygiene, and economic incentives services on the project. A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) was completed which identified the potential presence of asbestos containing materials (ACM) as well as the potential for lead based paint (LBP). Based on the recommendations of the Phase I ESA, PM performed a Pre-Demolition Asbestos Containing Materials Survey. Areas of suspected ACM were identified and recommended for removal prior to demolition activities. Additionally, PM completed a Brownfield Plan which includes $1.7 million in developer reimbursable costs of eligible activities and an additional $670,282 in Local Brownfield Revolving Fund (LBRF) capture.
The proposed redevelopment includes asbestos abatement as well as a new urban storm water management system to be installed prior to construction of a surface parking lot that will wrap around the apartment building.
The $12 million redevelopment is expected to create approximately 150 construction jobs, and an estimated 40 permanent jobs associated with property management, maintenance, and daily operations. Demolition activities began in the spring of 2020. Construction activities will continue over a one-year period with completion anticipated for fall 2021.