How is an Emergency Rapid Response Assessment Conducted?

When an unexpected release of a hazardous substance occurs, a quick and effective response is needed. Following any necessary emergency response activities by first responders, an Emergency Rapid Response Assessment must be performed. An Emergency Rapid Response Assessment includes controlling the release, limiting the spread of hazardous substances, and mitigating any immediate threats to human health and the environment.  Following the release control measures, soil and/or groundwater sampling activities are conducted to assess the extent and severity of the release. Sample results are compared to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regional screening levels or to state clean up criteria. Following the rapid and thorough assessment of the release area, remediation activities are conducted to remove or treat contaminated media. Once remedial activities are complete, confirmatory sampling is conducted to document the successful remediation of impacted media. 

Emergency Rapid Response Assessment Steps

An emergency rapid response assessment consists of six steps:

  1. Assessment
  2. Control
  3. Sampling
  4. Results vs. Criteria
  5. Remediation
  6. Remediation Verification

See how an Emergency Rapid Response Assessment is conducted in the infographic below:

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