Brownfield Redevelopment of the Northland Plaza Shopping Center and the Former Detroit Armory Located in Oak Park, Oakland County, Michigan
A major Residential/Commercial developer, redevelops the Northland Plaza Shopping Center Commercial Property and Former Detroit Armory Industrial Property into a mixed use Residential and Commercial development.
The Northland Plaza property consists of two (2) combined parcels totaling 20.71 acres with approximately 13.68 acres to be developed into Residential townhouses and the other portion developed into Commercial retail. The Former Detroit Armory property consists of one (1) parcel containing 73.20 acres with the northern 34.52 acres to be developed into single family houses and townhouses and the southern portion developed into Commercial Retail Building.
PM Environmental, Inc. (PM) worked closely with the City of Oak Park Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA), the client and the client’s environmental attorney to prepare a Brownfield Plan for redevelopment of the subject site. Following approval of the Brownfield Plan, PM prepared an Act 381 Work Plan for MEGA Eligible Activities consisting of demolition of some of the Commercial buildings on the Northland Plaza Site and the Armory Building on the Former Detroit Armory Site using Single Business Tax Credits and Tax Increment Financing (TIF). After MEGA approval, PM conducted lead paint and asbestos surveys, prepared bid specifications for asbestos abatement and building demolition which were successfully completed in 2004 and 2005.