Due Diligence
Baseline Environmental Assessments
PM Environmental is experienced with various federal and state mechanisms that provide purchasers of contaminated properties a means of liability protection. Additionally, PM Environmental has designed and implemented engineering controls, isolations zones, and other containment structures that provide a method of distinguishing existing contamination from potential new releases at contamination properties. PM Environmental has also…
Bank Environmental Risk Policy Development
With a staff of former Environmental Risk Officers, PM Environmental is uniquely qualified to develop environmental risk policies. We have assisted Chief Credit Officers, Chief Appraisers and Chief Lending Officers in the development of risk based environmental lending policies at dozens of financial institutions. PM Environmental offers full environmental policy development and implementation, staff orientation and…
Due Care & Continuing Obligations
The owners and operators of property that is contaminated are required to take actions to ensure that unacceptable exposures are eliminated, contamination is not exacerbated, proper notifications are made, and compliance with on-going land use restrictions is met. Various states have liability protection mechanisms through Voluntary Cleanup Programs, Baseline Environmental Assessments (BEA) and consent orders/covenants…
Environmental Risk Management & Due Diligence
PM Environmental is an environmental risk consulting firm focused on business minded solutions. For over 30 years, PM Environmental has been delivering high quality environmental risk consulting and due diligence services to clients with a wide range of needs. We are an industry leader, actively involved with key stakeholder groups and aware of industry regulations…
Limited Due Diligence Reports
Limited Due Diligence reports are specialized environmental reviews that were created as a limited screening tool to make an informed risk decision when a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is not necessary and/or desired. These reports typically have a lender-driven scope of work, but can also be customized to meet the needs of…
Expert Witness Litigation Services
PM Environmental’s team includes Licensed Professional Engineers, Registered Professional Geologists and a variety of other technical professionals who are experienced with litigation support and expert witness testimony. Expertise includes: Records research and evaluation Regulatory knowledge Scientifically sound investigations Hydrogeology Geochemistry Fate and Transport Modeling Contaminant Identification and Age-Dating Engineering Design Preparation of Trial Exhibits
Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Testing
Vapor Intrusion is the result of chemical vapors, particularly semi-volatile or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) migrating from contaminated soil or groundwater, and impacting the indoor air of overlying buildings. These chemical vapors can leak into openings in cracked foundations, basements or sewer lines. They can also migrate through the floor slab, depending on the identified…
Environmental Transaction Screens
PM Environmental provides Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS) as an alternative approach to Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA). ETSs are a voluntary procedure intended to identify Potential Environmental Concerns (PECs) for commercial real estate. They are meant to be a screening tool for those who wish to conduct limited environmental due diligence, and usually only recommended…
Environmental Due Diligence for SBA Loans
PM Environmental provides SBA Environmental Due Diligence services. PM’s team of experts has in-depth knowledge and experience with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, and consistently meets all requirements mandated by the SBA for environmental investigations. PM works with key parties to stay up-to-date with SOP appeals, changes and policy notices. PM is approved…
Phase III Environmental Site Assessment
Phase III Environmental Site Assessments PM Environmental is a leading provider of Phase III Environmental Site Assessments (ESA’s) across the United States. Phase III ESA’s, also known as Remediation Investigations/Feasibility Studies, are a necessary step in the environmental remediation process of environmental contaminants from a property. Our Phase III services include but are not limited…