Limited Due Diligence Reports

Limited Due Diligence reports are specialized environmental reviews that were created as a limited screening tool to make an informed risk decision when a full Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is not necessary and/or desired.
These reports typically have a lender-driven scope of work, but can also be customized to meet the needs of each institution and/or transaction.
PM Environmental has proven experience in crafting specialized limited due diligence reports as part of policy development for various lenders that may require less than a Phase I for a given transaction.
Environmental Transaction Screens (ETS) are a voluntary procedure intended to identify Potential Environmental Concerns (PECs) for commercial real estate. They are completed in accordance to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard E-1528-2014, and are meant to be a screening tool for those who wish to conduct limited environmental due diligence, and usually only recommended for low risk property types with available historical information.
Read more about the differences between an Environmental Transaction Screen (ETS) and a Phase I ESA.
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