Contamination Assessment, Remedial Investigation, and Corrective Action at Railroad Sites in Kentucky
PM Environmental, Inc. was initially contracted to manage plume delineation at the derailment site involving Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL’s) in Calvert City, Kentucky. PM managed the project which included work plan preparation, performance of field activities such as monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling, data reduction, and report preparation. PM monitored the plume on an annual basis which contains contaminants such as Trichloroethene (TCE), Tetrachloroethene, Vinyl Chloride, and other Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
PM also manages various other environmental issues for P&L Railway such as Wastewater Discharge Permit Renewals, and managing groundwater sampling events at a site involving Diesel Fuel releases. This site also contains settling ponds which discharge to local tributaries. PM submitted requests on behalf of P&L Railway to reduce the frequency of sampling of these ponds from quarterly to semi-annual events.
Project Details